Cost (Vacations) Limited Cost (Vacations) Limited
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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What happens at a presentation?

We will confirm, by example, that we are able to offer a full portfolio of services and we will also demonstrate that we can almost always provide a holiday at a lower cost than a High Street travel agent.
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If you are promoting the services of an independent travel agency, why do I need to attend a presentation before I can become a Client?

Whilst we offer the same products and services as those offered by "traditional" High Street travel agents, the way that this service is delivered is different. We have found that the most effective way to explain this difference is at a presentation.
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How do you achieve the savings you have previously mentioned?


A "traditional" travel agent uses valuable resources in providing a large number of quotations, many of which never result in a booking. Because their service is delivered differently, our "in-house" travel agency can focus solely on our Clients, who usually wish to secure a holiday booking, as opposed to merely obtain a holiday quotation.
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